Portfolio of Prose and Poetry
J.P. Matthews is a writer and poet based in the Republic of Ireland. His writing reflects a heartfelt connection to his home's culture and history while simultaneously imagining new and fantastical worlds for his readers to immerse themselves in. He focusses on short stories and poetry, some of which is featured here. A longer novel project is deep underway, building toward Matthews' ultimate goal of being an established high fantasy author.
Thank you for visiting my portfolio. I hope you're able to find something you like.
As you can see, there's a sample of short stories and poetry available for perusal. These will be updated with new pieces as often as I produce them.
The Seraphim tab there will direct you to a collection of biographies, myths, and legends about a pantheon of gods from the ever-growing fantasy setting I am working on.
If I make enough of an impression to reach out, you can hit Contact or scroll to the bottom of this page. All criticism is welcome!
UNICEF Ireland
If you have the time, please visit one of the above links.
If there is a resource, educational or humanitarian related to Palestine that should be featured, please link it in the Contact form below.
I am working on migrating this site to Squarespace.
MA: Literatures of Engagement
Maynooth University
The English Masters offered by Maynooth University was a fascinating and inspiring course that had me engage with a diverse sample of authors, poets, filmmakers, and more.
My lecturers and the modules they presented expertly despite the intrusions of the pandemic will be fundamental to the texts I engage with and those I write for the rest of my life.
My dissertation for this degree centred on the Alien film franchise. I explored phallocracy, castration anxiety, and motherhood within the franchise's first two entries, ultimately arguing that the films deconstruct any feminist airs that Ellen Ripley has, breaking her until she is patriarchy's platonic ideal of woman.
BA: English and History
Maynooth University
My studies in Maynooth Unversity began with four subjects. Though I pursued English and History to the end, a year of Classics gave me the affection for polytheistic pantheons that now embody most all my work. And Nua-Gaeilge, though I struggled, enshrined me with a love for our native language that persists to this day, and I'm now somewhat competent with the language.
English and History however seemed the most natural choices to me. A single lesson on poetic metre in first year has inspired almost a hundred poems, some of which can be found on this site. And the subject of every History module has left its mark upon my stories, long or short, in one way or another.
Get In Touch
Let me know what you enjoyed, or what you think needs work. All feedback is welcome!
You can fill out the form or find me at:
Some older work might disappear as I produce stronger work, so reaching out could save your favourites!