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The Seraphim

The Gods of Rivaazlin

This is an ongoing transcription project.

Check back regularly to see new stories on the Gods of Rivaazlin.

LATEST: Ghazreli, Kerna, and Naxera have just had their first stories added!

NEXT: Descriptions for every Triblood God.

The Pantheon

The Seraphim are an essential part of Rivaazlinian life. The most worshiped and respected among them are the Original Trinity, Zynterra, Somnan, and Lughad.


The Voidbloods, Seraphim who equally spawned from nothingness, would court this Trinity, resulting in the births of the Triblood Seraphim. And with each generation, more Voidbloods mysteriously appear to court the Tribloods. After millennia, the Seraphim have grown from three to over thirty in number, with each Seraph reigning over three to four domains.


Many Seraphim walk the mortal world, as they are social beings. Many seek friendships beyond their small number. It is far from unusual for one to meet a God in their lifetime.

The Conclave

The Queen of the Seraphim, Zynterra, disappeared two thousand years ago. Her brother Somnan took up the mantle of Regent. Somnan believed the Allmother was frustrated with the state of the world, and blamed herself. Ever since, he has used his Regency to hone the world to her liking.


The most significant of these changes was the Conclave. Zynterra had disliked the intervention of Seraphim in mortal affairs, and so Somnan proposed a new system to the Gods.


Now, if any God intrudes on the domain of another, they find themselves 'in favour' to that God, beholden to their will. This sees a God rarely act outside of their domain, for fear of being made to work against their own interests by another.​

The Original Trinity

The Triblood Seraphim

The Voidblood Seraphim

© 2023 by J.P. Matthews. This site was built entirely from free assets and services. Saoirse don Phalaistín.

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